Nomadic Expeditions in Mongolia

Reindeer Herders on Horseback

Nomadic Expeditions, Tour Operator

Mongolia/ Lake Hovsgol / Reindeer Herders on Horseback

Experiencing reindeer herders on horseback


Tucked away on the Siberian border, Mongolia's far-flung northernmost region is bursting with alpine lakes, pristine taiga forest, and wild-flowered meadows. It’s also home to the nomadic Tsaatan, a Tuvinian ethnic group who live in canvas Siberian tipi-like yurts and herd (and ride) domesticated reindeer. A handful of tour operators provide tours, typically on horseback, that will take you deep into the heart of the Taiga with up close and personal experiences with reindeer herders.

Expeditions typically entail a short flight to Murun, off-roading, mobile tent camping, and long hours in the saddle — indeed, not a trip for the faint of heart but well worth the once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Nomadic Expeditions offers tours that are respectful of the Tssatan people and conscious of the environment.

Nomadic Expeditions in Mongolia

Tsaatan Reindeer Herders


the look.

Simple but comfortable low-impact camps committed to leaving no trace behind.

the experience.

Venture out on horseback to see the Tsaatan Reindeer Herders: Organized horse expeditions will take you through Mongolia's untouched northern region, flanking the Siberian border, to experience the nomadic Tsaatan reindeer herders.

Ride through pristine taiga forest and wild-flower-filled meadows.

Spend time with a Tsaatan family and learn about their traditional lifestyle.

Marvel at one of Mongolia’s biggest lakes, known as the “mother ocean.”

Trek through pristine alpine landscapes and overnight in tents or gers.

the impact.

Low-impact camps are set up to be easily dismantled with minimal disruption to the natural surroundings.

Committed to applying reduce-reuse-recycle best practices on all tours. Regularly encourage staff to become stewardship ambassadors in sustainable best practices.

Committed to raising awareness on issues related to the environment and the Tsaatan herders.

Photos courtesy of: Nomadic Expeditions


Eagle Festival in Ulgii


Gers in the Gobi